What you need to know about the Internship Experience!
Navigating through the music therapy internship experience can be exciting and challenging at once. We are four music therapy interns enrolled in the music therapy program at the University of Louisville who want to share our experience with you to give you a better idea what internship is all about. This audio podcast series below offers insight on how to navigate Internship Fairs, application and interview tips, what internship is like on the day to day basis, and how to start off your first successful clinical MT program.
This podcast series was developed during our internship seminars under the supervision of faculty adviser Dr. Petra Kern. We all worked together and capitalized on our strengths. Credit for the unique jingle and production of the podcasts goes to Chris Millett. Nicole Carlson wrote the text for the introduction and closing while Mary Brieschke lent her voice. Ethan Schmidt connected us with AMTAS to post the podcasts on the AMTAS website.
We hope the information presented will be helpful as you navigate through your own internship experience. Thank you for tuning in!
Christopher Millett How To Be Successful At the AMTA Internship Fair
Nicole Carlson Tips For Applying and Interviewing For Internships
Ethan Schmidt Music Therapy Internship Expectations
Mary Brieschke A Typical Day In A Medical Music Therapy Internship
Ellen Trammel Five Tips For Developing A Successful Clinical Music Therapy Program