This series was started in 2020 as a series in light of the heinous crimes committed against George Floyd, Amaud Armory and Breonna Taylor and the many Black lives killed out of hate, discrimination, and systematic racism plaguing our country. As a national board, we decided we needed to commit ourselves to learning more and begin the conversation among our Music Therapy peers as students and interns--to see what we can do to change our corner of the world to one of justice, compassion, and with a commitment to change. We aim to instill the responsibility of every student, intern, MT-BC and person, to combat systematic racism, to keep the conversation going, and to not let the call for justice and equality for Black and Brown lives fade away.
The prepared readings and discussion questions for each week can be found by clicking on the hyperlinks below
Week 5: September 19th @11:30am EST Prepared Readings here Week 4: September 5th @1:30 EST Prepared Readings here Week 3: August 15th @1:30 EST Prepared Readings here Week 2: August 1st @11:30 EST Prepared Readings here Week 1: July 18th @ 3:30pm EST Prepared Readings here
For more materials for self education, click here!