Explore the World!AMTAS is excited to be a member of the World Federation of Music Therapy (WFMT) because students will have the opportunity to be aware and involved in music therapy worldwide. Connection worldwide at the student level will help ensure that our profession continues to be globally united in the future.
-from the AMTAS Member Profile 2010 WOrld Music Therapy Week
AMTA International Relations CommitteeOne goal of this committee is to assist international students and disseminate information via list-serve ([email protected]) and Facebook.
Regional Liaison (USA & Canada):
WFMT Student ScholarshipsAs a direct response to the outcomes of the "AMTA Students Go International" Project, WFMT awarded six 2011 World Congress Scholarships for Students.
International Service ProjectNER-AMTAS collaborates with international host sites (i.e., Grand Cayman in 2010) to develop and implement music therapy based services delivered by specially trained students.
Interview "Global Perspectives"