Executive board nominations and voting for the 2026 executive board will take place in November 2025. If you are interested in running for AMTAS office please contact the president at [email protected]
Representing AMTAS in interactions with other organizations.
Attending all meetings of the Student Affairs Advisory Board (SAAB) as a voting member.
Appointing willing AMTAS members to fill vacant positions among Executive Officers.
Assuming responsibility for posting all updated scholarship information, contests, and conference information on the AMTAS Facebook page in the event that the Vice-President is unable to fulfill their position’s duties.
Providing a Presidential report to the membership four (4) times throughout the year: to the Secretary by April 30th for inclusion in the Spring Blog Update, to the Secretary by two weeks following National Conference for inclusion in the Fall Blog Update, at the first student business meeting of AMTAS at the National Conference, and to the Vice President by December 30 to be posted on the AMTAS website.
Submitting a Presidential Address to the guidebook by January 1, only within the year the Executive Board has chosen to update the guidebook.
Acting as the Student Liaison for the Commission for the Education and Clinical Training of the 21st Century Music Therapist.
In the event that the office of President is vacant, the President-Elect will assume the responsibilities of the President. In the event that the office of President-Elect is also vacant, responsibilities will proceed to the Vice President, Parliamentarian, Secretary, and Treasurer in that order.
To assist the President as requested, to study the duties of the President in anticipation of assuming the responsibilities of the Presidency, and to assume all duties of the President in case of resignation, disability, or absence of the President.
Providing assistance relating to Executive Officer email accounts, including answering of questions and creation of new accounts if needed.
Acting as a liaison between all Standing Committee Student Representatives and Committee Chairs. The President-Elect corresponds with the Student Representatives on the AMTA Standing Committees and the members of the AMTAS Board of Directors, a minimum of once every quarter.
Communicating the results of the President’s Challenge award to all Regional Presidents at least thirty (30) days prior to the National Conference.
Attending all AMTAS and SAAB meetings as a voting member.
Providing a President-Elect report to the membership four (4) times throughout the year: to the Secretary by April 30th for inclusion in the Spring Blog Update, to the Secretary by two weeks following national conference for inclusion in the Fall Blog Update, at the first general business meeting of AMTAS at the National Conference, and to the Vice President by December 30 to be posted on the AMTAS Website.
Communicating with all Executive Officers in an advisory capacity as needed.
In the event of a vacancy in the office of President Elect, the position will remain open until National Conference and the general body will elect both a President and President-Elect, as outlined in Article XI, Section 6.
Vice President
Creating and maintaining the AMTAS website and updating email addresses of national and regional officers within 10 days of beginning their terms.
Attending all AMTAS meetings and SAAB meetings as a voting member.
Providing a Vice President’s Report to the membership four (4) times throughout the year: to the Secretary by April 30th for inclusion in the Spring Blog Update, to the Secretary by two weeks following national conference for inclusion in the Fall Blog Update, at the first general business meeting of AMTAS at the National Conference, and by December 30 to be posted on the AMTAS Website.
Following the National Conference, the Vice President submits a summary of the business of AMTAS for publication in “Music Therapy Matters.”
Serving as the active administrator of the AMTAS social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter) and posting all updated scholarship information, contests, and conference information via social media.
Posting the Executive Officers’ final reports, any information about Standing Committees, and the revised Bylaws on the AMTAS Website by the end of their term.
A vacancy in the office of Vice President is filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the Board of Directors.
Ensuring that all AMTAS meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Attending all AMTAS and SAAB meetings as a voting member.
Reviewing the AMTAS Bylaws and presenting recommended changes to be approved at the second general business meeting.
Submitting copies of the most current AMTAS Bylaws to each of the AMTAS Executive Officers, the SAAB Chairperson, and the AMTA National Office by November 30.
Providing a Parliamentarian’s Report to the membership four (4) times throughout the year: to the Secretary by April 30th for inclusion in the Spring Blog Update, to the Secretary by two weeks following national conference for inclusion in the Fall Blog Update, at the first general business meeting of AMTAS at the National Conference, and to the Vice President by December 30 to be posted on the AMTAS Website.
A vacancy in the office of Parliamentarian is filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the Board of Directors.
Keeping minutes for all AMTAS and SAAB meetings.
Managing all correspondence of AMTAS, including all nomination forms and student reports.
Recording minutes of Executive Officer meetings and sending them to the Regional Representatives.
Maintaining a current list of all members of the Board of Directors.
Facilitating the AMTAS Blog.
Sending the updated contact list of new National and Regional AMTAS officers to the AMTAS Board of Directors, AMTA Board of Directors, SAAB Chairperson, and the AMTA National Office on April 30 and November 30.
Informing all Executive Officers and members of the Board of Directors of the meeting times and locations at the annual conference.
Attending all AMTAS and SAAB meetings as a voting member.
Serving as the Editor for all AMTAS Publications.
Providing a Secretary’s Report to the membership four (4) times throughout the year: by April 30th for inclusion in the Spring Blog Update, by two weeks following National Conference for inclusion in the Fall Blog Update, at the first general business meeting of AMTAS at the National Conference, and to the Vice President by December 30 to be posted on the AMTAS Website.
A vacancy in the office of Secretary is filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the Board of Directors.
Being entrusted with the custody and supervision of the financial affairs of AMTAS.
Depositing all checks within 90 days, balancing the AMTAS account, and developing a budget for the following membership year to be presented to the members of AMTAS at the first general business meeting and approved by the members at the second general business meeting.
Furnishing a report of the financial standing of AMTAS any time, such a report is requested by any AMTA member.
Submitting a Treasurer’s Report on the financial standing of AMTAS four (4) times throughout the year: to the Secretary by April 30th for inclusion in the Spring Blog Update, to the Secretary by 2 weeks following National Conference for inclusion in the Fall Blog Update, at the first general business meeting of AMTAS at the National Conference, and to the Vice President by December 30 to be posted on the AMTAS Website.
Attending all AMTAS and SAAB meetings as a voting member.
Bringing all AMTAS materials to the National Conference to be given to the newly elected Treasurer.
A vacancy in the office of Treasurer is filled by Presidential appointment with approval of the Board of Directors.
Attend business and Executive Board meetings at the request of the AMTAS President to offer guidance to the Executive Board.
Assist in appointing a Student Representative for any Standing Committee as necessary.
A vacancy in the office of Past-President is filled by the immediate past Vice President. If the immediate past Vice President is unable to serve, the immediate Past-President will be asked to serve for a maximum of five (5) months in order to provide continuity between the Executive Officers.